Do you have a clear vision for your life in 2024?
Are you ready for a major shift in your results?
Is it going to be the year you live a life you would truly love living? 
IF SO... make sure you join us on our next powerful Vision Workshop
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The Vision Workshop: 
3 Keys To Accelerating Your Results
  • Two essential questions for tuning into your purpose.
  • ​A 5-point test for determining whether your dream is right for you.
  • ​Simple thinking-strategies that will guard you from fear, doubt and worry
  • ​What successful people do that creates sustained results.
  • The number one factor that causes people to lose steam when going after a dream, and how to stay motivated and override it. 
  • A proven method for dissolving resistance you may have to prosperity so you can attract higher levels of results and abundance.
  • The 1 critical thing you must give up in order to reach your dream.
The Vision Workshop: 
3 Keys To Accelerating Your Results
  • Two essential questions for tuning into your purpose.
  • ​A 5-point test for determining whether your dream is right for you.
  • ​Simple thinking-strategies that will guard you from fear, doubt and worry
  • ​What successful people do that creates sustained results.
  • The number one factor that causes people to lose steam when going after a dream, and how to stay motivated and override it. 
  • A proven method for dissolving resistance you may have to prosperity so you can attract higher levels of results and abundance.
  • The 1 critical thing you must give up in order to reach your dream.
This workshop is delivered by Joy Foster, Founder of TechPixies
Joy is a Certified Master Neurocoach™️ and Certified DreamBuilder® Coach. Since 2015, she's worked with thousands of women to help them live a more fulfilling and satisfying life. 
In 2023, she was named The Brave Thinking Institute's Outstanding Impact
Coach of the Year.

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